Mounting those fog lights is really the most laborius modify done on my Fiat Panda. Its mounting process was made possible by the courtesy of Diego (and you can see that he made the same on his car) and Mirko.The lights used are good FORTI/CORA 8004 alogen with a lever command, substituted in a second time. For the work is necessary to have a command relè and a fuse (the non permanent one), and obviusly the necessary cables. The hardest part of the work was those to cut the front bumper perfectly of the lights dimensions and in the way that respect a little bit of geometry. Lights were fixed to the chassis with nuts, while the rele' was positioned under a reparred place in the front hood, under the spare wheel. Cables were passed through a pre-esistent hole, being in this way perfectly invisible. The cables for the command button in the car were passed in a pre-esistent hole but not utilized. All was made as instruction said, so in parallel to the position lights; without this on, the new lights don't work; if you don't want this you may connect them in parallel to the profondity lights. For this installation, i don't raccomend it if you don't know much of electricity or do-yourself works.
The original lever in the car, was substituted
with this lighted button in the left side of the seat, since under the
starter lever of the minimum of the engine. This dispositive has eliminated
the problems of the lever, so it do not have false contacts etc...
Because it il illuminated, it has required some
extra work, because it needs a GND cable more.